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RBAC with Domains API

A more friendly API for RBAC with domains. This API is a subset of Management API. The RBAC users could use this API to simplify the code.


global variable e is Enforcer instance.

e, err := NewEnforcer("examples/rbac_with_domains_model.conf", "examples/rbac_with_domains_policy.csv")


GetUsersForRoleInDomain gets the users that has a role inside a domain.

For example:

res := e.GetUsersForRoleInDomain("admin", "domain1")


GetRolesForUserInDomain gets the roles that a user has inside a domain.

For example:

res := e.GetRolesForUserInDomain("admin", "domain1")


GetPermissionsForUserInDomain gets permissions for a user or role inside a domain.

For example:

res := e.GetPermissionsForUserInDomain("alice", "domain1")


AddRoleForUserInDomain adds a role for a user inside a domain. Returns false if the user already has the role (also known as not affected).

For example:

ok, err := e.AddRoleForUserInDomain("alice", "admin", "domain1")


DeleteRoleForUserInDomain deletes a role for a user inside a domain. Returns false if the user does not have the role (also known as not affected).

For example:

ok, err := e.DeleteRoleForUserInDomain("alice", "admin", "domain1")


DeleteRolesForUserInDomain deletes all roles for a user inside a domain. Returns false if the user does not have any roles (also known as not affected).

For example:

ok, err := e.DeleteRolesForUserInDomain("alice", "domain1")


GetAllUsersByDomain would get all users associated with the domain. Returns empty string array if has no domain defined in model.

For example:

res := e.GetAllUsersByDomain("domain1")


DeleteAllUsersByDomain would delete all users associated with the domain. Returns false if has no domain defined in model.

For example:

ok, err := e.DeleteAllUsersByDomain("domain1")


DeleteDomains would delete all associated users and roles. It would delete all domains if parameter is not provided.

For example:

ok, err := e.DeleteDomains("domain1", "domain2")


GetAllDomains would get all domains.

For example:

res, _ := e.GetAllDomains()

If you are handling a domain like name::domain, it may lead to unexpected behavior. In Casbin, :: is a reversed keyword, just like for, if in a programming language, we should never put :: in a domain.